Tuesday Prayer

CE Room

Our Prayer Warriors meet weekly (Tuesday mornings) to pray and share in Communion. Everyone is very welcome to join us.

JOY Circle

CE Room

This is a great time of fellowship, interesting conversation and an interesting activity (perhaps, something new to you) and, of course, morning tea to round off the morning. This year, we're meeting on the last Thursday of each month.

Gympie Community Prayer Breakfast

Memorial Park Gympie

This will be an enjoyable morning of connection, prayer and a delicious morning tea in Memorial Park. Arthur Shepherd, Chaplain of Queensland Police, will be this year's guest speaker with an inspiring story to share. The cost is $10 per person or $40 for a family of 5 or more. The organisers are encouraging tickets… Continue reading Gympie Community Prayer Breakfast


Tuesday Prayer

CE Room

Our Prayer Warriors meet weekly (Tuesday mornings) to pray and share in Communion. Everyone is very welcome to join us.

Tuesday Prayer

CE Room

Our Prayer Warriors meet weekly (Tuesday mornings) to pray and share in Communion. Everyone is very welcome to join us.

Tuesday Prayer

CE Room

Our Prayer Warriors meet weekly (Tuesday mornings) to pray and share in Communion. Everyone is very welcome to join us.