Combined Churches Prayer Meeting

Gympie Uniting Church 15 Red Hill Road, Gympie

This is a great opportunity to come together and meet with our brothers and sisters from other churches within our locality. Meeting once a month at different church locations - praying for half an hour followed by some conversation time. This month, we are hosting this time together in our Gympie Church. We hope you… Continue reading Combined Churches Prayer Meeting

Tuesday Prayer

CE Room

Our Prayer Warriors meet weekly (Tuesday mornings) to pray and share in Communion ... we'd love to see you there.

Tuesday Prayer

CE Room

Our Prayer Warriors meet weekly (Tuesday mornings) to pray and share in Communion ... we'd love to see you there.

Tuesday Prayer

CE Room

Our Prayer Warriors meet weekly (Tuesday mornings) to pray and share in Communion ... we'd love to see you there.

Tuesday Prayer

CE Room

Our Prayer Warriors meet weekly (Tuesday mornings) to pray and share in Communion ... we'd love to see you there.

Combined Churches Prayer Meeting

Gympie Community Church cnr Pine and Myall Streets, Gympie

Everyone is welcome to come together to pray at the November gathering of local churches. Prayer topics will be: Praise and thankfulness for recent blessings Salvation in Gympie and surrounding areas Middle East peace

AGM 2024

Gympie Uniting Church 15 Red Hill Road, Gympie

Our Annual General Meeting will be held after our Worship Services starting at 10:45am - allowing time for a quick morning tea and for our Imbil Church Family to travel here.

Tuesday Prayer

CE Room

Our Prayer Warriors meet weekly (Tuesday mornings) to pray and share in Communion ... we'd love to see you there.

Children’s Graduation Celebration

Gympie Uniting Church 15 Red Hill Road, Gympie

We hope you can join us in celebrating all those children from our Child Care Centre and Family Day Care who are transitioning to Prep in 2025. We're planning a fun Worship Service followed by Games, 'Happy Snap' opportunity and a delicious feast.  

Tuesday Prayer

CE Room

Our Prayer Warriors meet weekly (Tuesday mornings) to pray and share in Communion ... we'd love to see you there.